Finding the area of complex figures with right angles
Finding the area between rectangles
Finding the perimeter and area of rectangles, triangles, and complex figures with right angles
Finding the volume of rectangular prisms
Finding the radius and diameter of a circle
Finding the area of a circle
Finding the circumference and area of circles
Finding the area of parallelograms and trapezoids
Finding the circumference of a circle
Finding surface area of cylinders, rectangular prisms, and right square pyramids
Finding surface area with word problems
Finding the volume and surface area of rectangular prisms
Finding the volume and surface area of cylinders
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Free Sample Pages Available
Self Checking
Our mathriddle worksheets introduce a puzzle aspect to math, giving students immediate feedback as to whether or not they are solving problems correctly. If the answer to the riddle isn't spelled correctly, the student knows which problems he's made an error on.
Fun Puzzle Aspect
Immediate Feedback
Problem Solving Motivation
Each math riddle worksheet contains a riddle that the student solves by completeing all the problems on the worksheet. This keeps kids motivated to complete each problem so that they can find the answer to the riddle.
Common Core Aligned
All our math riddle worksheet packs are designed with Common Core in mind. That way you don’t have to worry about whether your math ciriculum is aligned or not when you incorpoate ClassCrown Riddle-Me-Worksheets in your lesson plans.
High Quality Design
Each page of our math riddle worksheets has been produced in high resolution at 144 dpi and designed in full, vibrant color for maximum quality. They look stunning whether you are printing in color or black and white.
High Resolution (144 dpi)
Stunning Color & Clarity
Fun math riddle worksheets with riddles to keep kids motivated.